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LAST BENGAL BABY!!!!!! $1,000 rehoming fee! WIwhiskers is closing. 

LAST F3 Snow Female 1yr old available! She is not spayed, breeder rights can be offered. TICA registered! Available right now for $1,000 rehoming FEE. She’s hilarious I must say. She loves to play she loves our two dogs and a friendly personality!  
She’s a beautiful snow color with gorgeous green eyes. She’s very social and loves being held like a baby. She hugs us when she wants snuggles. Super chill and smart baby girl. Message me for price details or questions! 

Contact me for more pictures ♥️😍

Home: Welcome

Contact Me About our last kitten! This website will remain up until she is rehomed! 

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Home: Contact

Breeding Perfection


Litter Two

We love all Bengals and exotic breeds at Wisconsinwhiskers, but these litters specifically  have brought so much joy to our home it’s incredible. They have a wonderfully playful disposition that compliments their adorable looks so well! They are so gentle with my sonshines who just love them so much and really help socialize them to children. I am more then thrilled they all have happy and loving homes. 
This is litter 2: Nya a silky snow, Francisco aka Frankie a heart throb brown, and Ophelia a charcoal like her momma. 

Litter One

From the minute they were born, this litter has completely captivated me. You never forget your first and they will be a year old summer, 2021! Their beautiful eyes and fun personalities are an unbeatable combination and bring lots of joy to their new furrrever families. I couldn’t be happier.
Litter 1: Frankie a big beautiful snow, Nala a pretty eyes seal-mink, and Romeo OH Romeo a handsome brown.  


Litter Three

In this litter we only had one baby boy. His new family named him Murphy! He was such a good baby and litter trained so early. He’s a playful little guy, but won’t be little for long. All León and Mavis’s babies have grown fast and quite large. I am thrilled little Murphy has an amazing home. 

Litter Four

One and only June Bug born in 2021! She is just gorgeous. One healthy baby girl came this litter. She found her furrrever home in Chicago, IL. She is a very lovely and smart bengal baby girl! She is well loved and spoiled. Come winter Mavis will be having litter 5. I will never breed over 2 litters a year and plan to stay this small forever. 😍😻 


Litter Five

Sage and Mighty Thor 😻😍 Born Summer 2022. Is it wrong to have definitely fam favorites? Maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️ Mighty Thor is the most gentle baby girl we ever had. She is loved by all! Funny story we expected her to be a him. 🤦🏻‍♀️ that’s never happened yet. Her temperament was so similar to the boys. Makes sense now that she is Mighty Thor! Sage is a snow bunny and I adore her forever and ever. Every snow bunny has a special place in my heart. Sage in particular because she was bottle fed from the start. A lot of not much sleep with her. She went from super tiny compared to her sister to being twice the size as her sister. 😻 so much love for them and their new furrever homes. 

Home: Past litters

Beautiful and Beloved


Miss Mavis F2 ALC Charcoal Spotted Bengal

Mavis was born November 2017. She has been registered in my WIwhiskers cattery since 2019 when she started to have litters. She has never had more that 2 litters a year. She often has snow, charcoal, and brown kittens. 

Papa León F4 Brown Glitter Boy

León is an F4 Glitter Bengal and the king of the house! He was born in Texas also Nov. 2017. He’s a big boy and produces the snow bloodline. 

Home: Meet the parents


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